Page 10 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 10

2.a. The First Period:
            Year 1999 – 2003 (the first 5-year).

            The beginning of NJE evangelical movement was started with a small team of 3
            people, later the size of the team inflated to 4-6 people. Crusades were conducted
            mostly in very small, isolated and solitary churches in many relatively remote areas,
            far from cities. Number of attendants and denomination types involved were also
            small, but some signs of wonders did happen in the crusades and journeys as well.

                  In most of the time the mode of transportation used by NJE Team was basically
            by bus and/or ship due to limited fund. Total number of activists and members of NJE
            was approximately 20-25 persons. Most of them have come from Jakarta while from
            outside Java only 1-2 persons. The activists in this early stage of NJE, beside the
            founders: Ev. Ir. Andreas Hartanto S.Si, Mrs. Dra. Ruth Ratna Dewi, (the late) Ps.
            Tommy Maukar, there were also Mr. dr. Benny Gozali, Mr. Agus E. Sutrisno S.E. and
            some other non-active (ex) NJE’s activists and members.
            1999 - Sei Ambawang, Kalbar ( West Kalimantan)
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