Page 67 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 67

After the 2-night crusade the NJE team finally departed Amritsar and went to
            Ludhiana. The crusade, once again, was done at the yard of IPC Bible Seminary in
            Ludhiana. A great surprise took place when the Director of the Seminary (the chief of
            crusade committee) nullified the right of NJE to preach the words of God because
            there was a sudden change in the crusade pattern from the NJE-sponsored becoming
            the IPC-sponsored with the preachers from the IPC New Delhi. The tight schedule was
            not possible to be adjusted for giving NJE the preaching session. This day-and-night
            crusade had lasted for the first day with NJE team attending the crusade basically only
            as the ‘honorable guests’. On the second day, a wonder suddenly took place at the
            Seminary. A group of pastors from Amritsar abruptly came to Ludhiana visiting the
            Seminary and joining the crusade when they heard about the NJE participation in the
            crusade. They were met and greeted by the Head of the Seminary in his office while
            the crusade was on-going at that afternoon.
                  At the moment of the changing of the IPC preacher from the first preacher to
            the second one, the Head of the Seminary requested some moments and announced
            immediately that there would be a testimony from the prophetic woman pastor from
            Amritsar. The testimony of the prophet, beside telling some healings that had taken
            place in Amritsar crusade, also explained the wonder she had seen in the crusade.
            She testified to the audiences what had been told formerly to the Seminary Head in
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