Page 63 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 63

The second trip to India for the friendship crusades with the local churches was
            still coordinated by pastor Sudhakaran i.e. to the cities of Amritsar and Ludhiana. The
            Amritsar crusade was performed on the real-estate land with a huge tent
            accommodating hundreds of people. The sermons were given serially by several local
            pastors until the due time of NJE’s sermon. Some miracles happened to several local
            Sikh people. They were healed after the praying and touching and felt like some
            electrical current had just flown in their bodies in the altar call. A lame woman who
            could not stand up by herself for years suddenly felt that some power had
            strengthened her legs and she stood up immediately in the middle of the crowd who
            sat on the grass. She could not bear her joy and danced at her place moving and
            rotating around her original place. A woman suffering from a great pain at the back
            (something wrong with her back spine) for 15 years gave her testimony that she was
            freed and healed from her pain. Some other healings were also taken place during
            the crusade. In general, the crusade in Amritsar lasted successfully and joyfully.

            2008: Crusade in Amritsar, North India – A woman who had been injured severely at her back
            and had suffered a 5-year continuous severe backbone pain was healed.
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