Page 58 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 58

Thailand some visits had already done in India, New Zealand dan Republic of Fiji. The
            friendship mission trips to northern part of India such as to cities like Chandigarh,
            Ludiana and Amritsar had been arranged in cooperation with Rev. Sudhakaran in the
            year 2010 dan 2011. The first team who went to North India consisted of Ev. Ir.
            Andreas Hartanto S.Si, M.Si, Ev.Dr. Benny Gozali dan Ps. Timotius Manik S.Th. While
            the second team which went back to India consisted of Ev. Andreas H, two other NJE
            members and the late Pastor Cryspus J. from Singapore. The third trip to India was
            made to South-West India in the cities of Chandra Pur and Nag Pur which were
            several hours driving from Mumbai. The crusades had been arranged in conjunction
            and cooperation with Ev. DR. Sandy Haverfield and Ps. Bobby, from the cities
            Auckland, New Zealand and Nag Pur, India. The joined crusades with DR. Haverfield
            continued to other countries such as Auckland, New Zealand dan Republic of Fiji, in
            the Pasific Ocean, approximately 3-hour flying from Auckland. NJE also contributed
            significantly in the mission trip of Ps. T. Manik to USA in the context of friendship
            mission services to some churches in the states of New Jersey and Oklahoma etc.
                  The first friendship mission trip to India took place in December 2007. It was
            really impressive for the crusade in Ludhiana which was performed at the Bible
            Seminary of Indian Pentacostal Church - IPC, and attended by circa 400 people, with
            most of them were youth people and students. At the moment the Words of God was
            completely preached by Ev. Andreas Hartanto and the altar call was conducted, by
            surprise, almost all of the attendants (except the crusade committee) stood up
            simultaneously and walked in a row to the stage to receive the touching and
            annointing of Holy Spirit. Without a special command they made some queus, walked
            row by row, and got the head touching quickly. The preacher just had to stand up and
            raise both hands straight forward and the rowed people walked under his hands,
            stopped momentarily to get the touching and moved again in a row to go back to
            their seats. It lasted like this until the last person got the anointing. Afterwards the
            white, thick fog came in and covered the whole area around the location of the Bible
            Seminary with the sight distance of only 2-3 meters. NJE team consisted of Andreas
            Hartanto, T. Manik, Benny Gozali and the local pastor Sudhakaran from Chandigarh.

            2007: Crusade in Ludhiana, India - The place of crusade in front of IPC Bible Seminary,
            Ludhiana, next to Chandigarh, North India.
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