Page 55 - uji coba EBook INJE 1
P. 55

The coverage areas of the evangelical services reached cities, towns and
            villages even the isolated places without electricity, telecommunication signals,
            potable water and non-paved access roads. The transportation modes have ranged
            from aeroplanes, cars, buses, trains, ships, speedboats and motorcycles. NJE teams
            used to spend the nights in church’s pastoral facilities, residential houses of church’s
            members, hotels and inns, offshore log cabins of the special ‘fisherman tribes’ etc.
            Wherever it is, it has been so good because Lord Jesus is always with us (Matthew
            28:19-20). Praise the Lord forever!
                  The other domestic crusades conducted in the Second Period (2004-2013) in
            some other cities (towns) can be viewed below for better understanding. All crusades
            were arranged locally by the local crusade committees which prepared the sites and
            stages with the related equipments including its permits. NJE supported in planning,
            budgeting and crusade implementation managements.

            2012 – Youth Crusade (KKR) Asahan,  North Sumatera - Ev. Daniel A in altar call.
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