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CACJ, and to scope the parameters of the CACJûs engagement with them
according to the abovementioned framework, and to work towards having
the inaugural ASEAN+ Meeting with representatives of the Judiciaries of
China, Japan and South Korea to be held on the side-lines of the CACJ
Meeting in 2021.
18. THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that the Charter of the CACJ has been
executed by all ASEAN Judiciaries and comes into force at the 7 CACJ
Meeting and that the text of the Charter and the Rules will also be
uploaded onto the AJP.
19. THE AGREEMENT to approve the draft Model Principles of Judicial
Conduct (the çModel Principlesé) presented by the Study Group on the
Future Work of the CACJ and for the Model Principles to be uploaded onto
the AJP.
20. THE AGREEMENT to suspend the Study Group on the Future Work of
the CACJ until such time when new tasks are assigned to the Study Group
by the CACJ.
21. THE AGREEMENT for the CACJ Secretariat to submit a summary report
of the CACJûs activities for 2018-2019 to the Committee of Permanent
Representatives to ASEAN, through the ASEAN Secretariat.
22. THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the International Framework for Court
Excellence (çIFCEé) as a self-assessment tool that the ASEAN
Judiciaries can voluntarily adopt to identify areas of strength and areas for
improvement, in order to improve court administration and the delivery of
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