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COVID-19 is a serious contagious disease, where people infected with
this virus will cause symptoms of respiratory symptoms, such as causing the
lungs to malfunction and cause difficulty breathing. Today, there are outbreaks
in Thailand and in countries almost globally, making it a significant impact
on the economy and society as a whole, and it is also a major issue for public
health. The measures to prevent and control of COVID-19 are important,
including public health measures and legal measures, which should be
implemented in tandem to achieve rapid efficiency in prevention and control.
For suggestions and solutions The state must focus on determining
the ongoing action plan policy in line with the constitutional rights and duties.
In 2017, the Law Enforcement Act was strictly established by the 2015
Contact Diseases Act, as well as the publicûs need to cooperate and assist
each other in all areas, so that COVID-19 was calmed down as soon as
Keywords : Measures to prevent COVID-19
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