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P. 107

ฉบับพิเศษ ประจำ�ปี 2564

            René Descartes. The plain reading of it somewhat validates the argument that our ability
            to think defines our existence as a natural person.  Some machines can think but they
            are only as ‘accessories’ to human to make our lives better through innovations. However,
            technology is not entirely harmless because automation can be disruptive to the future

            of work, as already seen in the legal industry.  With predictive justice will the day come
            when we have ‘predictive medicine and healthcare’ where one’s DNA profile, medical
            records and lifestyles are recorded then analysed by AI to generate the probability of

            chronic diseases and lifespan? At least the field of medicine is far more scientific than
            the law whereas AI can contribute a lot more to human civilisation than trying to predict

            the outcome of winning a lawsuit involving, say, ‘a snail in a beer bottle.’  Predictive
            medicine can be prophylactic thus reduce the cost of healthcare and increase the lifespan
            of the population.

                    However, even before AI takes over our lives, we have already developed
            a reliance on technology, sometimes question how smart might we be; today, our phones

            and watches need to be charged. If we fail to do so, we will have no mode of
            communication, cannot tell time and possibly also unable to make payment using
            our smartphone. No wonder the saying, ‘smart devices, stupid human’. In our strife

            for convenience, speed and perfection, we are surrendering ourselves to machines.
            Maybe one day we will stop thinking and make machines think for us. Time will tell if

            one day AI will write articles for us like this; it can be grammatically near perfect,
            though. As food for thought, the song  Artificial Man by the British rock band
            ‘The Kinks’ in 1974 quite poetically sums up this article:

                    48  See Deepak Chopra, ‘Artificial Intelligence will never rival the deep complexity of the human mind’
            The Huffington Post (New York, 6 December 2017) <
            intelligence-human_b_10240122.html>  accessed 1 April 2021
                    49  Susskind (n 35) 1-3
                    50  Referring to Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] UKHL 100

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