Page 33 - Book one - Flipbook
P. 33

Jaxon, sad, drops his head down even though he’s used to his dad and his meetings. He knows
               his dad will remember to talk to him about their phone call when he gets home. But he really
               wanted to tell him now.

                                                       Not the real John Burr
                   Jaxon is just standing there with no idea what to do next thinking, So now what? Oh, right!
               He remembers that he didn’t get the paper off the porch like he usually does every morning. He

               walks to the door, opens it, and freaks out. He throws his hands in the air with his mouth wide
               open because the lawn looks like a miniature jungle even though he just mowed it yesterday.
                   Then he realizes he’s probably about to meet somebody responsible for this. He takes a breath
               and looks around. Sure enough, there’s a man sitting on the porch, eating an apple.
                                           “Hello,” Jaxon utters as he strolls towards him.
                                           “Hello, Jaxon. Looks like you have a big job ahead of you.”
                                           “Yeah, especially since I just mowed the lawn yesterday,” he replies
                                        with a frown.
                                           “Well,  sorry  about  that.  It’ll  still  be  a  pretty  easy  job  because  I

                                        designed a lawn mower that’s easy to push through the grass. My name
                                        is John Burr, by the way,” offering his hand for Jaxon to shake.
                                           Jaxon gets closer, shakes Mr. Burr’s hand, and laughs, “Nice to meet
                                        you sir, but I did mow the lawn yesterday!”
                                           “Yes you did. And you did say the magic words, ‘just imagine.’ So as
                                        a result, what you see is what you get.”
                                           Jaxon thinks, Okay, so with you, I get grass up to my knees and have

               to mow the lawn again. He says, “This would sure be a lot of work without a lawnmower.”
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