P. 7


             CHAPTER I

                 A. Title Description

                     This module is about Opinion and Thought, asking opinion (formal and

               informal)  and  giving  opinion  (formal  and  informal),  Agreement  and

               Disagreement, expected with this module can facilitate the teaching and

               learning  process  in  the  classroom,  and  students.  It  is  hoped  that  after

               studying this module you will be able to. Use the expressions of asking and

               giving opinion and thoughts related to the issues raised in

                     everyday life.

                     B.   Modul Use Instruction

               This module is structured as a strengthening material and a supplement in

               assisting students in understanding and Analyze the expressions of asking
               and giving opinions and thoughts on matters asked by others, according to

               the context in which it is used with everyday life. In order for you to master
               and understand the material in this module well, then read it carefully and

               follow the instructions below:

               1. Study the table of contents and module positioning scheme carefully and

               2. Do the questions in the ability check to measure the extent of knowledge
               you already have.

               3. Pay attention to the work steps correctly to make it easier to understand
               a work process.

               4.  Understand  each  basic  material  and  read  carefully.  Then  do  the

               evaluation questions as a means of practice.

             E-   Modul Opinion and Thought Grade XI. By Ni Kadek Noni Santiari                              1
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