P. 9
"A drop of dew can moisten the leaves, a torrent of rain can cover the leaves and
their branches, what knowledge you can give us is like a downpour that never
stops washing over us. We grow and develop and then we grow everything around
us and ultimately make God's creatures happy. with our existence. Thank you for
being a heavy rain for our brains and morals."
B. Material Description
2.1. Sub-Description of Material 1
Social Functions: "Asking and giving opinions and thoughts" namely: for ask
and give opinions and thoughts about what asked by someone about related
matters with everyday life in accordance with the context its use.
2.2. Material Sub Description 2
Struktur teks :
• Asking opinion
(Use question words 5 W + 1 H)
What is your opinion of ….
What is your opinion about ….
How do you feel of ….
Do you have any comment ?
Do you have any idea
• Giving opinion,giving agreement,disagreement :
(Using Simple Present) and Possessive sentence patterns Pronouns
In my opinion …..
I think ……
I suppose …..
I agree …
I disagree …
In my view …. .
2.3. Sub-Description of Material 3
Linguistic elements:
Use the simple present sentence pattern. Using question words 5 W + 1 H
(What, who, why, where, when, how). Using possessive pronouns (my,
E- Modul Opinion and Thought Grade XI. By Ni Kadek Noni Santiari 3