Page 4 - Together Women Rise Impact Brochure
P. 4
Kate Lord Photography + Films
Our Grants & Partnerships
Together Women Rise focuses on funding projects
and organizations that impact women and girls in low-
income countries around the world. Our investments
reach the most vulnerable and marginalized
communities … women and girls living in extreme
poverty, often in some of the most remote areas of the
world. Studies show that investing in women and girls
internationally yields large social and economic returns
and is the best way to fight global poverty. We know
that even small investments can make a big impact
We are guided in our grant
making by the 17 UN
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) which provide a
blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable
future for all by the year 2030. Empowering women
and promoting gender equality is a dedicated goal
(SDG 5), and gender-specific concerns are key to
achieving other SDG targets.