Page 5 - Together Women Rise Impact Brochure
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Featured Grants
Through our Featured Grants Program, we fund a
wide range of projects providing direct services that
address issues related to global gender equality. Some
of our impact areas are:
Worldwide, about two-thirds of the 750
million adults without basic literacy
skills are women, and around 129
million girls are out of school. Yet,
women who are educated are more
likely to delay marriage, have fewer
and healthier children, and improve the quality of life
for themselves, their family, and their community.
We fund projects that remove structural barriers to
education, train teachers, and work with community
members to create safe spaces for learning, including
science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
The availability and accessibility
of quality health care remains
a challenge for women and
girls, especially those living in
remote, rural areas. We work with
our grantees to build sustainable,
accessible health systems to reach marginalized
women and girls from the remote regions of the
Himalayas to the tributaries of the Amazon.
Gender-Based Violence
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a
global pandemic that affects one in
three women in their lifetime. We fund
projects that address GBV prevention,
enforcement, and survivor recovery,
as well as trauma recovery for women
impacted by war and conflict.