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perspective rare
My bond with Sudarshan goes back to when we both started working as hospitalists at Suburban a week apart I met Dr. Siva in 2009 when I came to Suburban as a new grad
in September 2008. At the beginning, we would often look at each other and exclaim that this job was crazy nurse on unit 6400. I knew I had much to learn, and I was nervous
because we were regularly seeing 17-20 patients a day. A bond immediately formed because we leaned on each about trying to develop new skills and gain knowledge while
other for perspective. As we settled into the job, Sudarshan would always working on a busy med/surg floor. I just hoped the doctors and
joke that we were getting paid to do nothing because there wasn’t much we nurses would be patient with me as I figured it out. Dr. Siva was
could actually do as physicians. That was really just his way of saying that there more than just patient. He was kind. I’ll always be grateful for
is so much in life that we pretend to have control over but that we really don’t how he would listen thoughtfully to my suggestions and provide
have control over. I always appreciated, and often needed that perspective me with valuable feedback. He was also funny! I came to appreciate
of reality, especially now that he is gone. I know that he is at peace. his cheerful demeanor and his sanguine calm in all situations.
After he found out that my second child was going to be a girl, he would Dr. Siva also had a philosophical side, and when time allowed, he loved to chat with the hospital staff.
always tell me that there’s a special bond that exists between a father and I remember one conversation in which he said he thought it was possible that when we die, something
his daughter. Of course, this was reflective of the deep love he had for Alina. “amazing and incredible happens.” For some reason I never forgot that comment. It has been a comfort
And of course, as is the case with many of his insights, this has turned out to me in the ensuing years.
insight My heartfelt sympathy to Dr. Siva’s friends and family. He was truly a rare person.
to be true in my life. On October 2, my daughter Naomi and I went down to
the COVID-19 memorial at the National Mall to plant a flag in his memory.
—Carrie Hedges, R.N., Perioperative Nurse Liaison, Suburban Hospital
Rest in peace my friend.
—Yuneng Li, M.D.
He was always pleasant and greeted me with a smile and warm hello. I felt he always had some interesting
ideas and carefully studied views in life. He intrigued me with his business-oriented mind when he shared with
me how early he started investing in Apple stocks etc. and shared some of his tricks when it came to investing.
He will be greatly missed, and I am still finding it hard to believe that I will never bump into him in
Suburban’s corridors again. A great loss!
—Bassem Khalil, M.D.
Internal Medicine Department, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
12 | Sudarshan Siva, M.D. Sudarshan Siva, M.D. | 13