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‘‘                    REMEMBERING...

 When we lose someone we love,

 we should remember that the   MET SUDARSHAN IN 2008 when he joined the             He wasn’t only passionate about his work as a doctor. This man was

 person has not become nothing.   I Suburban hospitalist group. Initially, I didn’t know what   a walking encyclopedia of sports trivia and facts...and of course all
                              to make of his training as a nephrologist and wondered if
                                                                                    things Michael Jordan. On some days, I was convinced he knew more
 ‘Something’ cannot become    his work as a hospitalist was a temporary gig until he sorted   about basketball trivia and scores than medicine. He was equally
                                                                                    well versed in the nuances of the stock market and often tried in vain
                              out his professional goals. Little did I know that he would
                              go on to become a permanent fixture at Suburban Hospital
 ‘nothing,’ and ‘nothing’ cannot   over the next 12 years, leaving his footprint everywhere as a teacher,   to teach me how to read the various market charts. His working
                                                                                    knowledge of the financial market was astonishing, and his absolute
                       patient advocate and friend.                                 trust in capitalism would often get our more liberal colleagues worked
 become ‘something.’ Science can                                                    up with his casual comments about the problems with social safety
                       Pre-Sudarshan, as a community hospital-based program, the    nets and government regulation. I’m convinced he got some of us riled
 help us understand this because   hospitalist group did not have any focus on training the next   up just to see our reactions…why else would he buy a Prius while
                       generation of clinicians. That changed with Sudarshan. He was   talking about leaving the big oil companies alone?
 matter cannot be destroyed—it   a strong believer that part of being a good clinician was to impart
                       the knowledge and experience that we gather over the course of   Of course, it was just as easy to talk to him about everyday life.
 can become energy. And energy   our professional lives to the student community. As such, he   We’d often discuss good cheap food and where to find the best Bánh mì
                       worked with the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and other NP   sandwiches (although I was ultimately unable to convince him to drive to
 can become matter, but it cannot   programs in the area to host NP students for their inpatient   the Eden Center in Falls Church for true hole-in-the wall, cheap-as-dirt
                       clerkship. He would arrange their rotation through the med/surg   Bánh mì sandwiches made by a Vietnamese grandmother who spoke
 be destroyed. In the same way,   units, review their notes and management, and hold regular   no English). I would always get a good laugh as we talked about our
                       didactic sessions. I would often find him in the hospital, long after   latest fight against the urban jungle and his efforts to eradicate all
 our beloved was not destroyed;   everyone had left, catching up with his work since he had spent   unwanted critters and weeds in his lawn. Or wonder about his sanity
                       so much time with his students. He was a true teacher and mentor.   as he explained the virtues of using a Faraday cage with his phone.
 he has just taken on another   He was also a patient safety advocate as our group’s medication   As often quoted, I’ll most miss his ability

 form. That form may be a cloud,   reconciliation champion. We would be regularly subjected to his   to get us to laugh a little louder, smile a
                       battle cry, “We don’t do surgery; we don’t do procedures; all we do
 a child or the breeze. We can see   is prescribe meds; we better at least get the med rec right.” He would   little bigger and live just a little bit better.
                       gently chastise our colleagues who didn’t live up to his ideal for
 our loved one in everything.”  med rec and, in his mild-mannered way, made us all better clinicians.                   — ERIC PARK, M.D.

                                —Thich Nhat Hanh  Sudarshan Siva, M.D.
                                       Buddhist Monk

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