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accessible                                                                                                                                                   professional

                   I met Sudarshan many years ago when he first started working at Suburban Hospital. Right off the bat,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Siva cared for several of my family members over the years. He was always professional, caring and
                   Sudarshan kept me on my toes, as I always found myself wondering, “Is this guy being serious or is he making
                   a joke?” Sudarshan had a strong sense of ironic humor and always enabled me to laugh and look at issues in                                                    detailed in his interactions with them. My fondest memory is running into him at Wegman’s on a weekend
                                                                                                                                                                                 grocery shopping. He was accompanied by his beautiful daughter. He told me he was fond of Wegman’s
                   a brand-new way. What a beautiful, gentle and smart soul was Sudarshan! I was very envious of Sudarshan’s                                                     from his time in New York. Seeing him with his daughter and getting a view of their relationship will
                   endless bounty of patience as a teacher and with the families of patients. So many times at Suburban Hospital                                                 be a great memory I plan to hold on to.
                   I would come across him informally teaching a group of floor nurses about important medical topics, but always                                                                                                                                                   —Rebecca Kane, M.S.N., R.N., C.E.N.P.
                   teaching as an equal, very accessible and always so very patient.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Director Cardiac Cath Lab

                          In 2016, my 27-year-old daughter was struck by a car while crossing the street in Rockville and taken
                          to Suburban Hospital unconscious as a trauma case. She suffered traumatic brain injury and had to be in
                          the ICU for almost a week. When she got out of the ICU, she was put on the hospital service, and I was
                          so comforted to have Sudarshan as one of her attendings. Sudarshan’s beautiful soul and gentle nature

                          kept me going through a very difficult time. My own daughter is all better now, but every time I would
                          see Sudarshan afterward, he would always so kindly inquire about her well-being.

                   I remember many years ago Sudarshan bringing his own young daughter to Suburban Hospital to round with
                   him on the floors from time to time. He was so proud of his daughter and loved her so much, I think that’s one
                   reason he related to me so strongly when my own daughter had her rough times. Sudarshan’s family, daughter,
             gentle nature
                   and close loved ones have been blessed to have that wonderful man so close to them for all these years.

                   He will be sorely missed by the rest of us.
                                                                                                                                     —William F. Simonds, M.D. (Bill)

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