Page 6 - SCDAA Convention 2022
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Unity and progress are the Extra steps will be taken to focus on wellness
themes for 2022. This year’s during the convention. We will take breaks for
convention is brought to you mindfulness and physical activity throughout, and
in partnership with the NIH Dr. Marjorie Dejoie-Brewer will lead wellness sessions.
National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute’s Sickle Cell in We remember those who passed away this
Focus (SCiF) conference. This has year. The Kwaku Ohene-Frempong Memorial Lecture will
allowed us to synergize our plenary feature a presentation from Mrs. Janet Ohene-Frempong
sessions and broaden the menu of learning on the legacy of Dr. Samir Ballas as a sickle cell doctor and
activities. There is something for everyone, and we hope advocate for pain treatment.
you take the time to explore.
SCDAA’s MARAC continues to be active and
As we emerge slowly from the COVID-19 pandemic has released advisory statements regarding COVID-19,
restrictions, our community is coming together like never vaccines and clinical research. The committee keeps its
before. The results have been inspiring. We are excited eyes and ears on public information about clinical trials.
to share these advancements with you and celebrate our We continue to urge all clinical researchers to provide
incredible progress. clear and trustworthy information and to involve individuals
and community-based organizations in study design and
Awareness of sickle cell disease is rising like implementation.
never before. During the recent legislative session,
three sickle cell bills were introduced to the U.S. Congress. We hope that you enjoy the Annual National
Convention. Learn about continued progress in
Clinical research continues to expand our treatments. Make new friends and bond with those we wish
understanding of SCD. New treatments are being we could see in person. Share in conversations that set
explored and progress is being made. Two clinical research priorities and develop unity in advocacy. We look forward
abstract sessions will highlight these findings. to Joining Forces for Our Future with you!
We continue to rise to meet challenges through Sincerely,
advocacy. The National Academies of Sciences, Lewis Hsu, MD, PhD
Engineering, and Medicine Strategic Plan and Blueprint for Chief Medical Officer
Action (NASEM) has guided us in our efforts. Two of our Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc.
abstract sessions will highlight the progress relevant to the
NASEM report.
We are elevating international voices to better
understand the global scope of sickle cell.
Panelists from many countries will join us at this year’s
convention. A session will explore the issues faced by
Latinos with sickle cell disease in the U.S.