Page 8 - SCDAA Convention 2022
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Vertex stands with sickle cell warriors
“Even getting up in the morning is like going into battle. The
“There is not a day that we’re not impacted by sickle cell. It’s like facing
name ‘sickle cell warrior’has given a sense of respect to the
this giant, and you’re this little person, and you say—sickle cell disease
patients and a level of dignity to the patient-nursing care
is not going to have my kids. They are just young girls trying to navigate
relationship that wasn’t there before. It honors the struggle
life, and they have aspirations just like everyone else. It’s a difficult
we go through. It gave us a community and peer support – to
know I wasn’t alone, I can find someone walking in my shoes.”
journey, and it’s important for families not to feel like they’re alone.”
-Mapillar Dahn, Founder of MTS Sickle Cell Foundation
- Tosin Ola, Founder of Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc
and mother to three sickle cell warriors
Our work would not be possible without the continued partnership and
commitment from sickle cell warriors and their families. Visit www.vrtx.
Our work would not be possible without the continued partnership
com to learn more and follow us on social media.
and commitment from sickle cell warriors and their families.
Visit to learn more and follow us on social media.
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Vertex and the Vertex triangle logo are registered trademarks of Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated.
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