Page 203 - The snake's pass
P. 203

               IN THE CLIFF FIELDS.    191
    wrong they look, won't bear explanation of some kind  ;
    and  the  other  is that an  honourable man  does not
    grow crooked in a moment.  Is there anything, Art, that
    you would like to tell me?"
     " There  is, Dick  !  I have a lot to tell  ; but won't you
    tell me what you wish me to speak about ? "  I was just
    going to  tell him  all, but  it suddenly occurred to me
    that  it would be wise to know something of what was
    amiss with him first.
     " Then I  shall ask you a few questions  !  Did you
    not  tell me that the  girl you were  in love with was
    not Norah Joyce ?
     " I did ;  but I was wrong.  I did not know  it at
    the time—I only found  it  out, Dick,  since I saw you
     " Since you saw me  last  !  Did you not then know
    that I loved Norah Joyce, and that I was only waiting
    a chance to ask her to marry me ?
     "I did!"  I had nothing  to  add  here;  it came
    back  to me  that I had spoken and  acted  all along
    without a thought of my friend.
     " Have you not of  late payed many visits to Shlee-
    nanaher  ;  and have  you  not  kept  such  visits  quite
    dark from me ?
     "I have, Dick."
     " Did you keep me ignorant on purpose ?
     " I did
          !  But those visits were made entirely on your
    account."—I stopped, for a look of wonder and disgust
    spread over my companion's face.
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