Page 208 - The snake's pass
P. 208

196         the snake's pass.
        " Art,"  said he, " I wanted  to  tell you  something,
       and I thought it ought to be told now.  I would'nt like
       the night to  close on any wrong impression between
       you and me.  I hope you feel that my suspicion about
       fair* play and the rest of it is all gone."
        "I do  !  old fellow  !  quite."
         " Well, you are not to get thinking of me as in any
       way wronged in the matter, either by accident or design.
       I have been going over the whole matter to try and get
       the heart of the mystery ; and I think it only fair to say
       that no wrong could be done to me.  I never spoke a
       single word to Norah in my life.  Nor did she to me.
       Indeed, I have seen her but seldom, though the  first
       time was enough to finish me.  Thank G-od  ! we have
       found out the true state of affairs before it was too late.
       It might have been worse, old lad  !  it might have been
       worse  !  I don't think there's any record—even in the
       novels—of a man's  life being wrecked over a  girl he
       did'nt know.  We  don't  get  hit  to  death  at  sight,
       old boy  !  It's only skin deep this time, and though skin
       deep hurts the most, it doesn't kill  !  I thought I would
       tell you what I had worked out, for I knew we were such
       old friends that it would worry you and mar your happi-
       ness to think I was wretched.  I hope—and I honestly
       expect—that by to-morrow I shall be all right, and able
       to enjoy the sight  of both your happiness—as, please
       God!  I hope such is to be."
         We wrung each  other's hands  ; and I  believe that
       from  that moment we were  closer  friends than  ever.
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