Page 297 - The snake's pass
P. 297

      "  ' Here's death and damnation  to Black Gombeen  !
    and the gurgling was heard again.
       ' Come  ! now, show me the shpot where yer  father
    last saw the min  !  '  Murdock spoke authoritatively, and
    the other responded mechanically, and ran rather than
    walked along the side of the hill.  Suddenly he stopped.
      "  ' Here's the shpot  !  ' he said, and incontinently tumbled
      "  ' Git up  Wake up  !
            !        ' shouted Murdock in his ear.
    But the whiskey had done  its work  ;  the man  slept,
    breathing heavily and stentoriously, heedless of the storm
    and the drenching rain.  Murdock gathered a few stones
    and placed them together—I could hear the sound  as
    they touched each other.  Then he, too, took a pull at
    the bottle, and  sat down beside Moynahan.  I moved
    off a little, and when I came to a whin bush got behind
    it for a little shelter, and raising myself looked round.
    We were quite close to the edge of the bog, about half
    way between Joyce's house and Murdock' s, and well in
    on Joyce's land.  I was not satisfied as to what Murdock
    would do, so I waited.
      " Fully an hour went by without any stir, and then I
    heard Murdock trying to awaken old Moynahan.  I got
    down on the ground again and crawled over  close  to
    them.  I  heard Murdock  shake  the  old man, and
    shout in his ear  presently the  latter awoke, and the
    Gombeen Man gave him another dose of whiskey.  This
    seemed to revive him a little as well as to complete his
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