Page 299 - The snake's pass
P. 299

   threat  " Where  is  lie Dick ?  He must deal with me
   for that."
    " Steady, Art! steady!" and Dick laid his hand on me.
    " Go on  ! " I said.
    " I couldn't go after him, for I had to watch Moynahan,
   whom I followed close, and I caught hold of as soon as
   I thought Murdock was too far to see me.  I was only
   just in time, for as I touched him he staggered, lurched
   forward, and was actually beginning to sink in the bog
   It was at one of those spots where the rock runs sheer
   down into the morass.  It took  all my strength to pull
   him out, and when I did get him on the rock he sank
   down again into  his drunken  sleep.  I  thought  the
   wisest thing I could do was to go to Joyce's for help  ; and
   as, thanks to my experiments with the magnets all those
   weeks, I knew the ground  fairly  well, I was able to
   find my way—although the task was a slow and difficult
     When I got near I saw a light at the window. My
   rubber boots,  I suppose, and the plash of the falling
   rain dulled my  footsteps, for as I drew near  I could
   see that a man was looking in at the window, but he did
   not hear me.  I crept up behind the hedge and watched
   him.  He went to the door and knocked—evidently net
   for the  first time  then  the door was opened, and I
   could see Joyce's figure against the light that came from
   the kitchen.
     "  ' Who's  there ?  What  is  it ?  *  he asked.  Then
   I heard Murdock' s voice  :
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