Page 365 - The snake's pass
P. 365

                 THE FULFILMENT.       358
     Dick was the  first to regain his composure and,  as
    usual, to speak  :
     " The Lost Crown of Gold —the crown that gave the
    hill  its name, and was the genesis of the  story of  St.
    Patrick and the King of the Snakes!  Moreover,  see,
    there  is a  scientific basis for the  legend.  Before this
    stream cut its way out through the limestone, and made
    this cavern, the waters were forced upwards to the lake
    at the top of the hill, and so kept it supplied  ; but when
    its channel was cut here—or a way opened for it by some
    convulsion  of nature, or the rending asunder of these
    rocks—the lake fell away."
     He stopped, and I went on:
     " And sq, ladies and gentlemen, the legend  is  true,
    that the Lost Crown would be discovered when the water
    of the lake was found again."
      " Begor  that's thrue, anyhow  !
           !               "  said the voice  of
    Andy  in  the  entrance.  " Well, yer  'an'r,  iv  all the
    sthrange things what iver happened, this  is the most
    sthrangest  !  Fairies  isn't  in  it  this time,  at  all,  *at
    all  !
      I told Andy something  of what had happened,  in-
    cluding the terrible deaths of Murdock and Moynahan,
    and sent him off to  tell the head constable  of  police,
    and any one else he might see.  I told him also of the
    two skeletons found beside the chest.
      Andy was off like a rocket.  Such news  as he had
    to tell would not come twice in a man's lifetime, and
    would make him famous through  all the country-side.
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