Page 367 - The snake's pass
P. 367

                 THE FULFILMENT.       355 !
    crowd outside, the general body of which seemed to con-
    tinue as great as ever from the number of new arrivals
    —despite the fact that a large number of those present
    had followed Dick and the head constable in their inves-
    tigation of the scene of the  catastrophe.  The silence
    was as odd as noise would have been under ordinary
    circustances, so I went to the door to see what it meant.
    In the porch I met Father Eyan, who had just come
    from the scene of the  disaster.  He shook me warmly
    by the hand, and said loudly, so that all those around
    might 'hear  :
      "Mr. Severn, I'm real glad and thankful to  see ye
    this day.  Praise be to God, that watched over ye last
    night, and strengthened the arms of that brave girl to
    hold ye up."  Here Norah came to  join us  ; and he
    took  her warmly by both  hands,  whilst  the  people
    cheered  :
      " My  ! but we're  all proud of ye  !  Eemember that
    God has  given  a  great mercy  through  your hands
    —and ye  both  must  thank Him  all  the  days  of
    your life!  And those poor men that met their death
    so horribly — poor Moynahan, in his drunken slumber
    Men!  it's a warning to ye  all!  Whenever ye may be
    tempted to take a glass too much, let the fate of that
    poor soul rise up before ye and forbid ye to go too far.
    As for that unhappy Murdock, may God forgive him
    and look  lightly on his  sins  !  I  told him what he
    should expect—that the fate of Ahab and Jezebel would
    be his.  For as Ahab coveted the vineyard of his neigh-
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