Page 69 - The snake's pass
P. 69

               THE GOMBEEN MAN.        —
   steps  towards  Carnaclif, and  the  journey was  the
   dreariest one I had ever taken.  I had only one thought
   which  gave me  any  pleasure, but  that was a pretty
   constant one through the long miles  of damp, sodden
   road—the warm hand  and  the  sweet  voice  coming
   out of  the darkness, and  all  in the shadow  of that
   mysterious mountain, which seemed to have become a
   part of my life.  The words of the old story-teller came
   back to me again and again:
     " The  Hill  can hould  tight enough  ! A man has
   raysons—sometimes wan thing and sometimes another
   but the Hill houlds him  all the same  !  "
     And a vague wonder grew upon me as to whether  it
   could ever hold me, and how
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