Page 71 - The snake's pass
P. 71

     with  the  aid  of  the  knowledge  and  experience  of
     life received  since  then,  I  think  that  I must  have
     been in  love.  I do  not know  if  philosophers  have
     ever undertaken  to  say whether  it  is  possible for a
     human being  to be  in  love  in the abstract—whether
     the something which the heart has a tendency to send
    forth needs a concrete objective point  !  It may be so
     the swarm of bees  goes from  the  parent  hive  with
     only  the  impulse  of going—its settling  is  a matter
     of chance.  At any  rate  I may  say  that no  philo-
     sopher, logician,  metaphysician,  psychologist,  or other
    thinker, of whatsoever shade of  opinion, ever held that
    a man could be in love with a voice.
      True that the unknown has a charm  omne ignotum
    pro magnifico.  If my heart did not  love, at least it
    had  a  tendency  to  worship.  Here  I am on  solid
    ground  ; for which of us but can understand the feelings
    of those men of old in Athens, who devoted their altars
    " To The Unknown God ? "  I leave the philosophers to
    say how far apart, or how near, are love and worship
    which is first  in  historical sequence, which  is  greatest
    or most sacred!  Being human, I cannot see any grace
    or beauty in worship without love.
      However, be the cause what it might, I made up my
    mind to return home via Carnaclif.  To go from Clare
    to Dublin by way of Galway and Mayo  is to challenge
    opinion as to one's motive.  I did not challenge opinion,
    I  distinctly avoided doing  so, and I am  inclined  to
    think that  there was more  of Norah than  of  Shlee-
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