Page 39 - PinPoint Training_Day 2
P. 39
S A L E S T R A I N I N G - D A Y 2
Control Panel (CPU) Inspection
• Step 1: Locate the Control Panel
• The control panel is typically in the master or upstairs closet
“Have you noticed a big grey box in any of the closets?”
• Step 2: Educate the Homeowner
• Show the client the wires and explain how they are distributed
throughout the home to doors and windows. Show the client
the old backup batter as well
“Mr. Customer, as you can see this is wiring for your entire home security. Each wire is running to a
specific area in your home whether it be a door or window. When the Installer arrives tomorrow, he will
see what we can utilize with our security system and replace this outdated backup batters to a lithium-
ion battery that will ensure your security in case of a power outage.”