Page 60 - PinPoint Training_Day 2
P. 60


                                                                                                                        Promotion Package
        S A L E S   T R A I N I N G - D A Y   2

                                                                                                                          Positioning For Success- Continued

                                           Relocation Manager: “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, now that we’ve gone over everything about that

                                           brand new keypad you’ll be receiving, let’s now quickly go over a few other items you’ll be

                                           getting with the promotional package!”

                                           Relocation Manager: “You’ll also be receiving 3 door contacts to ensure we cover all the

                                           exterior door entry points to your house. This is extremely important because 80% of all

                                           home invasions happen through a door.”

                                           Make sure to make the Manager call if they need extra contacts past the 3 listed on the sheet.

                                           Sales Manager will approve up to 4 additional if need be.

                                           Relocation Manager: “Next, Mr. Smith, you’ll be getting a brand-new pet sensitive motion

                                           detector to put in your living area to protect your windows.
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