Page 8 - New_TEN_English-5
P. 8

Skill 44-A      I met her in person.

                                                                                  A. Make sentences using the given expressions.

                                                                                  1. 스스로 저녁을 차려요.                        *make dinner, I, by myself

                                                                                  2. 전 그 그림 그대로가 좋습니다.                   *the picture, the way it is, I, like

                                                                                  3. 함께 돌아가면서 롤플레이를 합시다.                 *in turn, Let’s, the roleplay, do

                                                                                  4. 영어로 말해보세요.                          *Speak, please, in English

                                                                                  5. 그에게 직접 말하세요.                        *tell, You, him, in person

          1. A: Why do we have to wait to leave until the boss does?              6. 그 파일은 알파벳 순서로 정리하세요.                *Sort, in alphabetical order, that file
           B: Gee, I don’t know. But that’s just the way it is around here.

          2. A: What are you doing here at the office by yourself?
                                                                                   B. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
           B: Oh, I’m just catching up on some work.
                                                                                   1. A: When you were young, did you do things all by yourself?
          3. A: So did you talk to her on the phone, or what?
           B: Oh, I met her in person. I stopped by her house a few days ago.       B: No, my mother did everything for me.          *               .

          4. A: You went to a noraebang last night? Was it fun?                    2. A: Have you ever met a celebrity in person?
           B: Absolutely. We sang songs in turn and danced around. It was so much fun!  B: Yes, I once met a very famous Korean actor.  *            .

          5. A: So how was the lecture?
           B: I have no idea. She was speaking in Chinese the whole time!         C. Answer the following questions. Make sure to correctly use expression in your sentences. Also,
                                                                                  use the clues in parentheses to come up with your response.
          6. A: Um, ahem, how exactly did you sort the names on this sheet?
           B: Uh, they’re listed in Korean alphabetical order, I think.           A: I heard that BTS will have a concert soon. Are you going to watch it?
                                                                                  B: _________________________.  (You’re excited to see them live.)
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.
                                                                                  A: Will you go there with your boyfriend?
                                                                                  B: _________________________.  (You will watch on your own.)
              •the way it is                              •by oneself
              •in person                                   •in turn
              •in Chinese           •in alphabetical/numerical order

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