Page 48 - PowerE-L03-E
P. 48

Lesson  12



                                                 Mermaids are mythical creatures which can

                                                 be read in most legends and folklores.

                                                 They are described as half-human and half-fish.
                                                 People usually think of them as female, but they

                                                 can also be male in gender called the merman.
                                                 They became even more popular because of

                                                 the fairy tale, The Little Mermaid.


                                                                                        mermaids / described /

                     Grammar                                                                   female

               *Gender is a quality that affects noun use. Some nouns specifically refer
               to males, some to females, and some nouns do not refer to gender at all.
                       ► Lawyers can be male or female.
                       ►   Policemen and policewomen keep the country safe.

                       ►   Hosts and hostesses keep the party going.


               1. Do you believe in mermaids? Why or why not?
               2. Do you also have mythical creatures in
                   your country’s tales? What are they?
               3. What is your favorite fairy tale?
               4. Do you know the story of The Little Mermaid?
               5. Can you name a legend or folklore in your country?

                                                                                          Vocabulary &
                     Sample Ansvwers                                                       Expressions

               1. No, because I haven’t seen one.                                    Mermaids : A legendary
               2. Yes, Dokkaebi is a goblin that we are                              sea creature having the
                   familiar with in our country.                                     head and upper body of a
                                                                                     woman and the tail of a fish
               3. I especially like the story of Cinderella.                         Female: of, pertaining to,
               4. Yes, I saw it on TV.                                               or characteristic of a female
               5. Yes, there is the story about the Sun and Moon.

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