Page 35 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 35

Answer B:
               I love my mathematics class. I didn’t like the subject when I was young. I thought it was a very
               hard subject. I always asked my father or teacher for help. However, I got challenged by the
               complex formulas. Since then, I have loved solving math problems. I especially love algebra and
               geometry. In my class, I always ask the professor on how we can simplify a certain formula.
               We also learn how to use math in everyday life. I enjoy teaching my classmates who have
               difficulty as well. They are thankful for my help. All in all, the class is very helpful in making me
               knowledgeable in class and sociable among my classmates as well.

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Introduce your favorite class. [example: I love my mathematics class.]
                   - Tell the reason or reasons why you like it.
                            [example: I got challenged with the complex formulas.]

                   Tell what things you learn in that class
                            [example: how we can simplify a certain formula]

                   Share some memorable experiences you had in that class.

                   Tell the importance of learning in that class.
                            [example: the class is very helpful in making me knowledgeable in class and
                            sociable among my classmates as well.]

                got challenged - got tested
                complex - difficult
                formulas - in math, a rule usually expressed in numerical symbols
                algebra - a branch of math dealing with the rules on operations and relations
                geometry - a branch of math concerned with shape, size, position of figures, and the properties of space
                solving - answering
                simplify - shorten; make things easier
                everyday life - normal circumstances
                difficulty - trouble
                sociable - friendly

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