Page 31 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 31

Answer B:
               My school makes students wear uniforms. We buy the uniform that the school supplies. Most
               schools in South Korea have the policy of wearing uniforms. Our uniform usually consists of
               a  white  shirt,  black  blazer  and  tie.  I  wear  a  long,  black  skirt,  too.  The  uniform  makes  us
               distinguishable among other people. It gives us identification. It also provides us safety. Students
               who are not in their uniforms are not allowed to enter the school premises. However, I feel a little
               uncomfortable in a uniform because it is too tight. I also think it looks a bit old-fashioned.

              Points to emphasize in answering:

                   Provide information about what you wear by:
                   - Telling what type you wear
                   - Telling where you usually wear it
                            [example: My school makes students like me to wear uniforms.]

                   Tell the distinguishing marks about the type of clothing by providing:
                   - what consists the clothing
                                 [example: The uniform usually consists of a shirt, blazer and tie.]
                   - details that describe the clothing
                            [example: a long, black skirt]

                   Share some good and bad points in wearing the type of clothing.


                uniform - a distinct set of clothes worn by members of a particular group as means of identification
                policy - guiding rule
                blazer - a lightweight coat or jacket
                distinguishable - noticeable
                premises - grounds or site
                tight - not loose; close-fitting
                old fashioned - a style that is no longer in trend

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