Page 42 - OPIC-Intermediate
P. 42

Chapter 4 Everyday Life

                   Unit 1: Home Appliances

          Home appliances make daily living convenient for us. Cite some of the appliances
          you have at home and discuss how you keep them in good condition.

              Answer A:

               Everyone in our family is held responsible for using our appliances wisely. We only have a few
               basic appliances like the refrigerator, television and washing machine. My mother cleans the
               refrigerator weekly. She removes all the racks and shelves and washes them with soap and
               water, and then wipes the refrigerator with a damp cloth. She also takes care of our washing
               machine by operating it properly. She doesn’t load it with too many clothes. I am in charge of
               cleaning our television every two days. I wipe it with a soft cloth to remove dust. By keeping
               our appliances clean, we can maintain their working condition and save ourselves from costs of
               purchasing new ones.

              Points to emphasize in answering:
                   Identify who are responsible for caring for your appliances.
                           [example: Everyone in our family is responsible for using our appliances wisely.]

                   Describe how you take care of your appliances.
                           [example: She removes all the racks and shelves and washes them with soap and
                           water, and then wipes the refrigerator with a damp cloth.]

                   Identify the benefits of caring for your appliances.
                           [example: By keeping our appliances clean, we can maintain their working
                           condition and save ourselves from costs of purchasing new ones.]


                held responsible - accountable or answerable for managing something
                basic - simple and important
                damp - slightly wet
                maintain - to keep in good condition
                purchase - to buy

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