Page 320 - BenchMark_4-2
P. 320

A Chicken Wrangler’s Day

                    Adele walks across the floor, and she jumps onto the

             kitchen counter gracefully. She moves across the

                                                to pick up food with a beak, like a bird
             surface and pecks at bread crumbs. She stops to
             glance                                                                                  n. a very tiny piece broken from bread, cake, or a cookie
             glance at the famous actors when

                                                                                                                                                           Adele on the kitchen set
                       to look at someone or something quickly
             they deliver their lines. Then,

             she looks at the camera

             before hopping into the

             actor’s straw hat.

                                                                                                                                    Unit 9 | A Chicken Wrangler’s Day
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