Page 44 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 44
[ 05 11ndependent
Getting Ready 10 Speak
A. Learn the words.
special effects images created with special technical skills
explosion a violent expansion or bursting with a loud noise
come to life to appear life-like; to become animated
nursing home place where elderly people live and are cared for
discuss to talk about something
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innovative new and creative
incredible almost impossible; amazing
compliment to pralse
visit to spend time with someone or something
article a piece of writing that forms part of a publication, such as a
B. Read the prompt. Then answer the questions.
Talk about your hobbies and things that you like to do.
1. What is your hobby?
My hobby is
2. How much time do you spend enjoying your hobby?
I spend
3. Where do you do your hobby?
I do my hobby
톨 톨 Now pract ice the questions and answers with a partner.
n c. 니sten and repeat. 뭘월휩
UNIT 5 Independent 47