Page 41 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 41

Step 1
        n Listen to the lecture and take notes.  뭘훨웰

           •  Concussions are
           •  Theyare
           •  Brain injury
           •  Symptoms include
           •  Sometimes,
           •  Recovery
           •  Diagnosing
           •  Doctor
           •  If serious,

        Step 2
        Read the prompt.

              The  professor  describes  the  causes  and  symptoms  of  concussions.  Using
              points and examples from the lecture, describe the causes and symptoms of a

        Step 3
        Create an  outline for your response.

           The lecture is about concussions
           A.  Least serious  brain  injury
             1.  Brain is made up of
             2.  Brain receives
           B.  Causes and  symptoms
             1.  Commonly
             2.  Symptoms

           C.  Doctors
           D. Recovery
           Conclusion: Concussions are the least serious head injury but symptoms are not always

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