Page 36 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 36

        E.  Read the prompt. Then underline the phrases you could use in your own response.

              Some  people think experience is  more important than  knowledge.  What do you
              think? Why?
             Reasons ex~erience or knowledge is more important
                며  --- 때)   m)   ,밟   떼   m
                않   %   m  때   잉   뻐   3   뼈     •  don’t know what may happen
                에   뼈)   m  %   뼈   빼   m   nν   •  easier to  get
                                                 •  more trying

        --‘1과ïiTi1 r:1I : {콰:i lrlhkt'피fffiYi 1I1:ml H'1I~.t~-
        n F.  Listen to the sample responses and complete the outlines.  뭘월휩
                  Sample response 1                     Sample response 2
                g二깅                                    g二깅

        Reasons            Examples           Reasons            Examples

        Conclusion:                           Conclusion:

        -~IJ홈i를f&'Li!iill'l’ l 얀lν'JI :llffiUr.r필-
        G.  Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

             knowledge      ngors     trying     necessarily     extraordi nari Iy

        1.  The                of traveling around the world have largely been eliminated
           by fast, clean  airplanes.
        2.  Having a sick family member is            for the entire family
        3.  Some  people say              IS power.
        4.  George Gershwin was a(n)             talented composer at a very young age
        5.  A good English  reading test score doesn’t        mean  someone can
           speak English well.

                                                                UNIT 4  Independent  39
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