Page 35 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 35
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g 톨 A. Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a partneι
Talk about something that you have done for a long time
1. What are you experienced at?
2. How long have you been doing th is'ì
3. What have you learned from doing this?
4. How has your experience from doing this changed the way that you do it now?
B. Make a list of things that you are experienced at with your classmates.
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C. Read the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.
Talk about something that you are good at doing.
What? 1 am good at
How? 1 became good by
Why? 1 am good at this because
How? 1 will continue to improve by
g 률 Now practice your answers with a partner.
D. Make a list of words and phrases to describe knowledge and experience with a
38 I Speaking I