Page 38 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 38

11te  rated

       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

          organ         a part of the  body that performs a special task
          nerve         a body part that controls movement and  sends and  receives
                        messages from the brain
          cell          the  smallest part of a living thing
          neurons       cells of the nervous system that allow different parts of the body
                        to  cor꺼 I끼 unicate
          brain stem    the  part of the  brain that is closest to the spinal cord

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          connection    a place where things are joined together
          reflex        as 니 dden physical  reaction that you  have without thinking  about it
          functioning   working  in  the  correct way
          harmony       a situation where things work together smoothly
          maturing      behaving  in  a reasonable way  like an  adult

       α B.  니sten to the first part of a lectu댄. Then answer the questions.  뭘뀔훨

          1.  What is the  lecture mainly about?
             The  lecture  is  about
          2.  What does the  brain  produce?
             The  brain  produces
          3.  What else  do you think the  professor will talk about?
             I think the  professor

       g 톨 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.

       ο C.  Listen and repeat. 훨휩휩

                                                                 UNIT 4  Integrated  41
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