Page 33 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 33
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Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
stressed exert leads unconsclous deferral
miserable gloomy dissatisfied rural disorder
1. It is common for students to request a(n) of university
admission so they can save some money for their courses
2. Being a good student in high school and college usually to
success later in life.
3. Students often become before big exams.
4. Generally, schools in areas are not as good as ones in the city.
5. A mental can be very difficult to deal with.
6. One symptom of a brain injury is to be for any length of time.
7. Most people feel when they are sick at home with the flu ‘
8. If you yourself too much during exercise, you may cause damage
to your body.
9. In America, if you are with your server at a restaurant, you can
choose not to leave a tip
10. Rainy, cloudy weather often makes people feel
36 I Speaking I