Page 34 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 34
I 혔4 .낀iI걷뼈ent
Getting Ready to Speak
A. Learn the words.
·~픔I따.I~l'l’ I f;TifÆIII
succeed to prosper or to gain power
hand-in-hand going together
matters things or issues that are connected to a subject
failure lack of success
burst to explode
-.le】혹헤 .. ’'liI동
knowledge information in the mind; specific information
ngors very severe or very harsh conditions
trying difficult
necessarily always or in every case
extraordinarily beyond what is usual, regular, or ordinary
B. Read the prompt. Then answer the questions.
Talk about something you have a lot of knowledge of.
1. What do you have a lot of knowledge of?
1 have a lot of knowledge
2. How did you get this knowledge?
1 got this knowledge by
3. How will you continue to learn about this?
1 will continue to learn about this by
률 톨 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner
n c. Listen and repeat. 뭘휩웰
UNIT 4 Independent 37