Page 31 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 31


       Step 1
       n Listen to the conversation and take notes.  뭘월룰굉

            Woman                               Man

            •  Has a                            •  Should ~  postpone
            •  Requested a                      •  Medicine will

            •  Exerts
                                                •  Let the
            •  Collapsed

            • Always  had
            •  Hopes the

       Step 2
       Read the prompt.

            The  students are discussing  if the woman  should  postpone her exams or take
            them  now.  Describe the  reasons for and against a deferral.  What do you  think
             she should do? Why?

       Step 3
       Create an outline for your response.

          The conversation  is about
          A.  Reasons for deferral
             1.  Student
             2.  Medicine
             3.  8reak from
          8.  She  collapsed
          C.  Should do the  exam now because
             1.  she always  had
             2.  she has studied
             3.  maybe
          Conclusion: I
      34  I Speaking I
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