Page 50 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 50

·"~illll인[;)1 0(4)'1 ffi1il.1끽r:TiTi "tmum괴-
        n D.  listen to the sample response and complete the outline.  뭘월휩
              The woman is
              A.  The woman
                 1.  thinks
                 2.  thinks it will enable
                 3.  has
              B.  She  likes
              C.  Students
                 1.  have
                    • The woman  is  happy that
                 2.  can still have
                    •  Be
                    •  Be

        -"'DI각~‘ ‘혜-
        f  t  E.  Now work with a partneι Take turns saying your own response using the
                outline from above.
                 Your time:       seconds       Your partner’s time:      seconds

        -_ltj 혹~_'liI출1 rnI ffliTIil풀TilUil:굉-
        F.  Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

             enable        flexibility   pros and cons      rigid      stable

        1.  There are many               to  studying  English abroad.
        2.  Good English  skills will          you to  get a better job.
        3.                 is  an  asset in  the  workplace.
        4.  Some parents are very              about rules.
        5.  It’s important to have a(n)          job.

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