Page 54 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 54

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       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

          operate            to function; to make something  work
          employee           a paid worker
          bargain            a cheap purchase or price
          deal               a beneficial business agreement or transaction
          pocket             a small  pouch on clothes to  put things in


          local              a person who lives  in  a nearby area
          standard 01  living   level of material comfort that someone has
          chain store        a store that is the same in  many locations
          hard-earned        something obtained through a lot of difficult work
          wisely             showing good sense

       B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.
                            Talk about where you  often go shopping.

          1.  What is the  name of the store where you most often  go shopping ‘
             1 go shopping most often at
          2.  Why do you go shopping there?
             1  go shopping  there because
          3.  0 0 you  prefer shopping  at large stores or small  stores? Why?
             1 prefer shopping at       because

       f  t  Now pra띠ce the questions and answers with a partner.

       n c.  Listen and repeat.  뭘월휩

                                                               UNIT 6  Independent  57
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