Page 58 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 58

| Integrated

       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

       -. ~~’'liI풀
          fortunately    m  y   떼   d   m  E
          corrupt        찌   따   빼   -U   m   뼈   떠   이  b   n
                                   f  e
          homeland       때   h       떼   nM   따)  하  d   떠
                                             키  m
          intensive      m   야   m   r  9   뻐   m   a   하  -Z
          root for               a  t   α   〕     m
       ·.le】펙 a ‘~'I(lf.] 삐l
          minority      a small  group within a larger group
          inherent      the  nature of something
          currency      money
          reglme        a system of government
          variable      something that is able to change suddenly

       B.  Read  the passage. Then answer the questions.

                                     African Refugees
               Many Africans  have become refugees.  They have  had to do  so  because of
             fighting  in their home country. They often were minorities in their country and had to
             flee to save their lives. They often move to new places in America and Europe. Their
             lives at first are very difficult.  They face problems that are inherent in  moving to
             a new country ‘  They must leam new languages, a new currency, customs, and an
             entirely new way of life. Fortunately, foundations are set up to help them adjust to
            their new lives.  It takes time, but eventually they get comfortable in their new homes

          1.  Why do refugees flee their homelands?
            They have to flee  because
          2.  What are some problems that refugees face in  a new country?
            They face problems with
          3.  What do you  think this lecture will  be about?
             I think this lecture will  be about
       률 톨 Now pra띠ce the questions and answers with a partner.
       n c.  Listen and 댄peat. 뭘휩훤
                                                                 UNIT 6  Integrated  61
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