Page 61 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 61
Step 1
Read the passage.
Iraqi Refugees
Since war started in Iraq in 2003, millions of Iraqis had to flee their homeland
Their old corrupt regime was defeated, but intensive fighting continued . Many
Iraqis had to flee to save their lives. They had to sell what they could , take what
currency they had, and flee to a neighboring country. The Iraqis fortunately brought
their old culture and heritage with them to the new country. They brought their
food , language, religion , and heritage. They soon started to practice these things
in their new home. Sections of large cities, like Damascus, are now called little
Baghdad. This is due to the huge impact and number of Iraqis living there
Step 2
n Listen to the lecture and take notes. 뭘휩훤
How it started
• In Iraq, the regime was
• Regime was defeated but
• This made people
Where they went
• They went to _
• They come with their own
What they do
• They make
• They start
• This is so
• Iraqis have
• Plays show
• Plays are
• Enjoy them because
Step 3
Read the prompt.
The professor and the passage talk about Iraqi refugees. Explain why the Iraqis
left Iraq and what they do in their new countries.
64 I Speaking I