Page 65 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 65
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Step 1
Read the announcement.
Lowering of the Study Abroad Standards
The university has decided to lower the grade requirements to study abroad
The university will grant permission to any student who has passing grades in
all of his or her classes to study abroad. This will enable more students to take
advantage of this program. The university realizes the rigors of college life.
Students have many responsibilities. The university is also about experiencing new
things. The university feels it does not want to deny the students opportunities
to gain knowledge because they do not necessarily have perfect grades.
Step 2
n Listen to the conversation and take notes. 뭘훨룰굉
Man Woman
Thinks there are
very • Thinks ‘’ . _ . ‘ u ’ ‘
11 go to ______ _
• Shoul Id be a
• Was wor ried that
• Thinks ‘
• Thinks the 「e are only • Thougl
’ ‘ nappy
• Goinl l wil.1s happy
• School s 이 ouldn 't
Step 3
Read the prompt.
The man expresses his opinion on the lowering of the grades needed to study
abroad. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that
68 I Speaking I