Page 62 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 62

Step 4
       Create an outline for your response.

          This passage and  lecture were about
          A.  The Iraqi regime was
             1.  The  regime  was  defeated  b 니t
             2.  This  led  to
          B.  Iraqis  went to
          C.  They  made
             1.  They  started
             2.  They felt more  comfortable because

          D.  The theater
             1.  Iraqis  have  a long
             2.  They  write
             3.  The  plays  are
             4.  Iraqi people

       Step 5
       Write a response using your outline from above.

                This passage and lecture were about                   . The  Iraqi
             Iraqis leftto                . They made their lives
             They did this by

             The plays are

             Iraqis love the theater because


       f  t  Work with a partner. Take turns saying your response. Then 대ange partners
             two more times. Time yourselves!

             Your time         seconds        Partner one’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds        Partner two’s time        seconds
             Your time:        seconds        Partner three’s tíme      seconds
                                                                 UNIT 6  Integrated  65
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