Page 70 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 70

[ 0 7            |  Independent

       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

       -.~(과믿l 'LiIif:'1im r:C'I.,r.:r,", -
          mess up    to ruin  something; to  make something  bad
          canoemg    traveling  by canoe
          traffic jam   many cars together on  a crowded street that are  not moving  quickly
          rush-hour   the time of day when  many people go to and from  work
          flow       to  move freely from one place to another

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          modify     to  make small  changes
          official   a person who has  an  important job or position
          resolve    to  make a decision; to find a solution to  a problem
          priority   something  given the  greatest importance
          smooth     steady and uninterrupted

       B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.

                                  Talk about where you  live.
          1.  Which city do you  live in?
             Ilive in
          2.  Where  is  your city?
             My city is  located
          3.  What is  your city famous for?
             My city is famous for

       g 톨 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.

       n c.  Listen and 앤peat. E뭘훨

                                                               UNIT 7  Independent  73
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