Page 74 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 74

「 111휴 rated

       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

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         distraction      something that changes the focus of your attention
         select           to choose
         scope            the range of one’s perceptions, thoughts, or actions
          living standards  the amount of wealth  and comfort that someone expects
         tremendous       very large in  amount or size;  wonderf미

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             하  않   e
             ·따  삐   JU  e   a large area of land with  property
          · m  W  녕   · 까   to stray away from  something
                          being  part of the  basic nature or  character of someone or
         subordinate      a person  in a lower position of power
         tension          stress  between  people, groups, nations, etc

      n B.  Listen to the first part of a conversation. Then answer the questions.  를헬훨
         1.  What are the  students discussing?
            The  students are  discussing
         2.  What reasons  does the student give for  living at home?
            The  student says
         3.  What do you  think the  rest of the conversation  will be  about?
            I think the  rest of the conversation will be about

         4.  What do you  think the  student should do?
            I think the  student should

      톨 률 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.
      n c.  Listen and repeat.  를훨훨

                                                                 UNIT 7  Integrated  77
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